Entries by Mance Creative

Industry Associations Oppose DOL Overtime Rule

By Haley Rischar | Originally posted on demolitionassociation.com Associated Builders and Contractors, Washington, announced the filing of a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division, challenging the U.S. Department of Labor’s  (DOL’s) final rule, Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees, which […]

Project labor agreements are bad policy | As a judge says, they unfairly limit competition, which is bad for the public.

By Boston Globe Editorial | Originally posted on edition.pagesuite.com It’s one of the most predictable of economic impulses. Facing competitive pressure? Then try to limit the competition. With labor unions in Massachusetts, one oft-attempted approach has been to pressure public-sector decision-makers to impose so-called project labor agreements on public projects. Although they don’t say so […]